Enjoy your holiday and stay safe

Enjoy your holiday and stay safe

The summer is finally here, so holidays, outings and trips are hopefully on your agenda. If they are follow my top tips on how to stay safe this summer, and a few first aid tips if something goes wrong:-


Always remember during the summer to drink plenty of fluids whilst in out in the sun, as it is easy to become dehydrated. If you are doing anything physical or even just sun bathing, good hydration is essential. The body loses fluids through sweating. If you don’t top up theses lost fluids throughout the day your body reacts and can make you ill with heatstroke or sun stoke.

Remember the “3 Litre Rule”

Drinking 3 litres a day covers any fluids lost in the heat. Avoid tea and coffee as they are natural diuretics and can dehydrate you more so it is best to stick to water or juice etc.


Always wear some form of sun cream whenever out in the sun. Sunburn is a mild form of superficial skin burn and the more you burn yourself, the more it increases your risk of skin cancers in later life. Always start with a high U.V cream FACTOR 50 and go lower gradually! Cover up as much as possible when not sunbathing. No one loves lobster red skin, but if this happens apply layers of ‘after-sun’ cream as this cools and moisturises the sun damaged skin and will ease the pain

Remember in the sun, DCC – Drink, Cream, Cover!


During these hot weather spells, BBQs come out in force. With all good BBQ food comes the risk of food not cooked thoroughly, especially with meats and poultry. Undercooked food can cause food poisoning if eaten, so please make sure all BBQ meat is cooked thoroughly and uncooked food is handled correctly when preparing. Good hand hygiene is needed with meats, for example, raw chicken has bacteria, which can be harmful if digested, so we recommend always washing hands thoroughly after handling or preparing raw meat.

If you feel you have food poisoning it is essential that you maintain your fluid input and do not eat as this will aggravate the guts food poisoning bacteria and prolong the symptoms. This normally lasts 12 to 24 hours and seek medical advice if this occurs in under 16’s or over 65 as they may require medical help. If symptoms go over the 24hr period or you have an underlying medical condition, medical help is advised. You can replace lost minerals and salts by using products such as Diralite or other makes that replenish lost fluids and minerals. If in doubt always seek advice call 111 for advice or visit your local G.P or pharmacist.


During the summer months, there are generally more insects flying around. Insect bites can be painful and itchy but also can be life threatening if someone has an allergic reaction to wasps or bee stings.

With most bee or wasp stings it is best to remove the stinger first – this can be done by using tweezers (single use from a HSE approved 1st aid kit) or by using a credit card wiping in the opposite direction of the entry wound so it’s easily removed.

Do not squeeze wounds as this reintroduces the stingers toxins back into the body. Let it bleed for a minute then clean wound (antiseptic wipe or cold clean water) and dress normally, a plaster would be ok. If the wound becomes hard or redness increases medical assistance is required.

Note a person who has an allergic reaction to stings, try and keep them calm and assist them to get there own medication but dial 999/112 immediately as this is a life threatening situation and get advice.

Stay safe and have a great summer! If you want to become confident and knowledgeable in first aid then we can help! We train individuals, companies and groups across Dorset.

Written by Vince Jones

Qualified First Aider for First Aid Training That Cares, covering Bournemouth, Poole and the wider Dorset area for first aid training and updates.