The Ofsted requirements for Nannies and Au Pairs depend on whether registration is required . If you choose to register, in most cases people working with children including Nannies, Au Pairs, Childminders, Nursery Workers and Childcare Workers still need the 2 day 12 hour course to meet the requirements. If you are looking at also entering other childcare sectors, then our full 2 day paediatric course would be best.
Regulations for the Childcare Register require the childminder or home child carer to have an appropriate first aid qualification. However, it is for the provider to determine whether these minimum standards are appropriate for the type of care they provide and whether more advanced training or qualification is required.
This 6 contact hours course is classroom based and is also ideal as an annual refresher for persons wishing to renew and keep their skills and practice up-to-date. As you are dealing with children and babies, a refresher could save a life and keeps all knowledge fresh and prepared for any emergency.
All our first aid courses fully meet the UK and European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2015 as per the HSE requirements.
The course is classroom based with practical training using the most up to date equipment and presentation materials. Attendees are encouraged to use role play as a learning tool and questions are positively encouraged.
Training will also cover Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and an introduction to the practical use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), if age appropriate.
Under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, there is a legal requirement for all businesses to have in place at least, one First Aider per 100 employees, depending on the classification of business and risk assessments and factors.
All Resuscitation Council and Health & Safety Executive recommendations and regulations will be continually updated and included in all sessions, ensuring your employees receive the most accurate and up to date teaching.
We can also come to you and train your employees in your workplace. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
CPD Certified – 8.0 hours
Price – £65 per candidate for the 1 day course.
Course Curriculum
Introduction to Nanny and Au Pair First Aid
Paediatric Blended
Paediatric Accident reporting and record Keeping
Reporting and Consent
Fears of First Aid
Asking permission to help
Calling the EMS
Waiting for the EMS to arrive
Scene Sasfety
Chain of Survival
Drab and the ABCD’s
Differences in Child Size
Initial Assessment and the Recovery Position
Infant recovery Position
BSi First Aid Kit
Cardiac Arrest and CPR
Introduction to Paediatric and Adult CPR
Older Child and Adult CPR
CPR Handover
Compressions only CPR
AED Introduction
Child CPR
Child CPR Breakdown
Infant CPR
Choking Management
Adult Choking
Child Choking
Infant Choking
Bleeding Control
Types of Bleeding
Serious Bleeding
Embedded Object
Child Bleeding Control
Nose Bleeds
Other Types of Injury
Foreign Objects
Minor Injuries
Secondary Care for Injury and Illness
Allergic Reactions and Anaphylaxis
Spinal Injury
treating a Burn
treating a burn with cling film
Electrical Injuries
Paediatric Seizures
Febrile Convulsions
Sickle Cell
Eye Injuries
Heat Emergencies
Cold Emergencies